"I've heard it said
that people come into our lives
for a reason
bringing something we must learn
and we are led to those
who help us most to grow
if we let them
and we help them in return..."
In the summer of 2009, I had the opportunity to move to Cedar City soon after my high school graduation and start a part-time, college job as a janitor. When I got here, I didn't have many friends. One of my friends, Sam, introduced me to Eric and we became the best of friends that summer. We went on hikes, played in the park, and had dinner often with either his parents or my grandparents. We even found out that we share a middle name. That's how cool we are.
The summer ended and Eric left on a mission to Washington DC. I had to go to a year of college before I could leave on my mission to Belem, Brazil. I wrote Eric on occasion and he responded on occasion. Our letters were always comical, and I know that his always came right when I need them.

After the mission, Eric and I still hang out all the time. We celebrate Guy Fawkes Day with "eggies in a basket", sing karaoke, un-bury baby Jesus from the snow, make dream catchers, or just talk over a quick lunch about how life is. We had a Resort and Hospitality Management class together and did a group project together. I would say that Eric is one of my best friends.

"It well may be
that we will never meet again
in this lifetime.
So, let me say before you part:
so much of me
is made of what I learned from you.
You'll be with me
like a hand print on my heart.
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have rewritten mine
by being my friend."

Eric is leaving. He's going on a new adventure selling art on cruise ships. I'm excited for him and know he's going to do great. I'll miss singing "The Fox" with him at karaoke, having lunch, and sharing conversation over anything. I don't know when we'll see each other again. I'll be leaving Cedar City soon to go on my own adventures. Hopefully, our paths cross again soon.
I'm so thankful for the example that Eric has been in my life. He has such great faith in God that has helped me in times when I have questioned my belief. He doesn't seem to care what people think about him and is just himself. He's always there to listen and be a friend. I will miss him.
Last night was our last karaoke for awhile. I'm sure there will be karaoke in our future. We got to be a part of Gavin's Crew for the second time. Gavin is a kid who started going to karaoke with his mom a few weeks ago. He loves coming and talking to us. It was fun to be a part of his crew for Eric's last karaoke.

PS He was also the first person to comment on one of my blog posts and to date has the most comments on my blog. Thanks Eric for taking time to read the cerebral vomit that I publish here.
1 comment:
Was I really?! That's neat. I wish I could remember all the (I'm sure) amazing comments I've left on your "cerebral vomit."
Articulated thoughts :)
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