It's been a little while since I update this and I realize that most people aren't going to see this for a few days because I'm taking a hiatus from Facebook this week, but I just want everyone to know that I am living.

living /ˈliviNG/ 1. noun: the pursuit of a lifestyle of the
specified type. "the benefits of country living"
2. adjective: alive. "living creatures"

For any who don't know, I am a little crazy. My mind goes
everywhere and my body wants to follow. I'm living. I am alive. I'm also
pursuing a living in what I enjoy. Right now, I am making a living studying
marketing and working part-time jobs to finance dates, comics, books, and
weekend hiking trips. I went to a color festival, shook Kenny Loggins' hand
(twice) and watched my brother play soccer. I even did my taxes with my dad.
That's what I love. That's the living that makes me feel alive. I'm way excited
about the world and finding more about the things around me, especially in
nature. I'm almost done with my undergrad, and I can't wait to get a job to
take me somewhere else in life.

The last few weeks, I have been able to live. I have escaped
to the mountains, helped host an amazing St. Patrick's Day Party, reconnected
with someone who I thought would never want me in their life, and have learned
so many things about myself. I've been writing, drawing, reflecting,
exercising, and clearing my mind about who I have been and become. Too often, I
think I take for granted how far I have come as a human being. Sure, I make
mistakes, but that has make who I am. I don't want to get overly sentimental,
but I'm glad for all the crap I've been through. I'm glad I've grown.

I'm not perfect, but at least I'm alive.

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